Who we are - Our superpower is asking the right questions.

We’re a bespoke team of entrepreneurs, designers, and creatives who got together to do one thing: facilitate the launch of scale of world-changing innovations.

We spend our days collaborating with the coolest people we know: fellow innovators.

Our team works with startup founders, venture capital funds, accelerators, incubators, universities, economic development groups, and large enterprises to help them discover the right problems to solve, define the most impactful solutions, and test it all with real customers.

At The Right Box, we run rapid design sprints to facilitate innovation, from idea to product-market fit. We run a battle-tested, iterative process to launch & scale products with that magical combination of desirability, viability, and feasibility.

We can’t tell you what the right thing to think is, but we’re damn sure going to make you think about the right things.

Startup launches
Products & innovations
Design sprints

Our culture - We’re not f—ing around.

Because neither are you. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have crazy fun doing what we love. These are the principles that guide us:

  • Do sh*t that matters. Life is short. Yesterday & tomorrow don’t exist. Make an impact — now.
  • Fail quickly and cheaply (but not epicly). Failure is inevitable; failure is data. True… but never fail more than you have to.
  • Don’t make the same mistake twice. Why revisit old mistakes when there is plenty of new ground to explore?
  • Never trust the vibes. “Gut” is a euphemism for motivated guessing. Vibes are great starting points, but they’re not data.
  • Be biased toward action. Thinking is where we get started, but it’s not how we make progress. When in doubt, do.
  • Crack jokes & crack up. If innovating isn’t fun and funny, you’re doing it wrong.

Recent articles

We run multiple Substacks for innovators, including Traction Thinking  and Founding with AI.  Here are some recent things we’ve written there:

🤖 How to write a killer elevator pitch

In this issue of FWAI: what makes a good pitch; what makes the all-too-common bad pitch; and how you can use AI to not only ideate some elevator pitches, but also critique it against best practices.

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🧠 Deep dive — learning to love constraints

Innovation requires first understanding the rules of the game: constraints. Then, discarding the constraints you can, and embracing the ones you can’t. The hard part is knowing the difference.

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🤖 Use AI to develop & test a model, using the "Startup Core"

A key to startup success is maintaining and iterating on a testable model. It’s harder than it sounds. Fortunately, your AI co-founder can work with you to define it and stress-test it.

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🧠 Deep dive — 3 steps to go from "we can't" to "we can if"

It’s common to feel stuck with no good choices, but we usually aren't. Here's a 3-step reframing process to force your brain into creating some choices when you feel you have none.

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