We facilitate the launch  &  scale of startups.

We help venture-backable startups discover, define, and test winning go-to-market and business model strategies, using design sprints and traction thinking.

We’ve partnered with hundreds of amazing entrepreneurs and orgs

  • Growth Factory
  • Techstars
  • StartupSac
  • Traction Thinking
  • Carlsen Center
  • Sacramento MBC
  • City of Sacramento
  • Startup Challenge

If it doesn’t lead to traction, it’s not the right action.

We design and run rapid sprints to help define and test critical hypotheses with real customers, in order to get your startup to market, to Series A, and to scale.

StartupsLaunch & scale

Take your startup from idea to scale

We bring promising startups into our Traction Lab to rapidly discover, define, and test critical market hypotheses with real customers.

FundsVC, education, & economic dev

Set your portfolio founders up for success

We work with investment funds, universities, and economic development groups to maximise the value of their portfolios by bringing our Traction Lab to them.

PartnersCollaborate for impact

Some projects are too big to go it alone

We love working with cool people. so we often get with friends to create an outsized impact — from founder mastermind groups to large-scale venture competitions.

Without the team from The Right Box, our product wouldn’t exist — or, at least, it wouldn’t be very good. You guys always know the right questions to ask.

Founder & CEOGovTech Startup

Traction Lab - Startups are hard AF,
but they’re not complicated.

We run rapid design sprints to discover interesting opportunities, define critical hypotheses, and test them with real customers — in days, not months.

  • 1. Discover. Every sprint begins the same way: ideation, inspiration, empathy. Deeply understand the customer, their problems, their context, and opportunities to make rapid forward progress.
  • 2. Define. Synthesise what we learn, define the problems to address, and identify the right opportunity. Picking where to make your play is often the hardest question.
  • 3. Test. Ideas are worthless until you get them out of your head and see what they can do. Every sprint ends with a well-defined experiment to run with real customers, right away.

Ready to get to work?

Get in touch